Who was John Rockefeller?

John D. Rockefeller was one of the most successful and influential businessmen of the 19th century in the United States. Born in 1839 to a humble family in New York, Rockefeller began his business career in the 1860s when he became involved in the emerging oil industry. In 1863, Rockefeller and some partners founded the […]
Artificial intelligence and how it is applied in the development of digital products

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the most popular and revolutionary terms in the technology industry in recent years. It is defined as the ability of machines to perform tasks that require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning and problem solving. Today, AI is applied in a wide variety of fields, including digital product […]
The importance of an advertising campaign

The importance of an advertising campaign Advertising is a crucial tool for any business or company looking to increase its visibility and attract new customers, however, a successful advertising campaign is not just a matter of creating eye-catching ads and expecting results; it requires careful planning, research, market analysis, a clear understanding of brand objectives […]
How do you know if your business idea is viable and has the potential to succeed?

How do you know if your business idea is viable and has the potential to succeed? If you are thinking of starting a business, you probably already have an idea in mind. However, having an idea is not enough to guarantee the success of your business. Before investing time and money in a project, it […]